Thursday, March 8, 2012

Access external link in PeopleSoft

We have a situation to access external links in peoplesoft without navigation frames and below are the solution for that.

Navigate to PeopleTools >Portal > Structure and Content.
Choose the folder you would like your link to be in or you can add a new folder just for this new link if you'd like.
Now scroll all the way to the bottom and click "Add Content Reference".

Name: Add what ever name you would like here. Users will not see this link.
Label: This will end up being the link the users will click on.
Long Description: Long desc for your link - this will show just below your actual link.
Usage Type: Target
No Template Check Box: Make sure you CHECK this one so the portal template wont wrap around your page.

URL Information
URL Type: Non-PeopleSoft URL
Portal URL: The website you are trying to open (example:

Now in the Content Reference Attributes of the Content Ref Administration page add the following to get your page to open in a new window:
Label: You can leave this one blank
Attribute value: true
Translate Check Box: Make sure this is UNCHECKED

Save and that's it! Don't forget to clear cache on your browser sign out and sign back in for changes to take effect

You can also try with URL Type as peoplesoft related URL and having peoplesoft component link in Portal URL and change psp in link to psc to view the content